Ahmad Riza is very confident that Prabowo will excel at the first debate

Jurnalhub. Ahmad Riza Patria Chairman of the DPP Gerindra strongly predicted the score in the National Debate between Prabowo Subianto and Petahana 3-1 and he was very sure Prabowo would be very superior in the 2019 Debate later

"God willing, 3-1. Yes, give it up, it's not given. Our general principles are superior. Prabowo just hasn't got the chance to rule in the civil administration. But at the place where he worked before, he performed well, "said Riza

Prabowo Suabianto is very used to discussing, dialogue and debating not only with friends or colleagues but also with troops of young people who exchange ideas
"We young people are always invited to discuss, have a dialogue challenged to argue, we are given the widest opportunity to express, give input and even criticize him free," said Riza

Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno had no problems with the Debate later, even he was very prepared. Moreover, Prabowo's days were filled with reading books so that his knowledge was broad.
"A lot of knowledge, not reading comics," said Riza
Prabowo really likes to read books and he has made several books from his work and Prabowo has been very clever in dealing with anything even he can make a speech without any text, Prabowo is also not good at speaking English but also with other languages, namely Dutch
in Prabowo's vision and mission which was held at the Jakarta Convention Center Prabowo was very authoritative in conveying the contents of his presentation entitled "Indonesia Wins" without any text held by him
Prabowo learned very much from Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who was considered his senior and had led the country for 10 years.

"SBY, teach us 1000 friends too few, too many opponents, but if we are weak, we are trampled on. We secure this vision of Indonesia's victory. Indonesia must win, "he said

"We cannot be a losing nation. we must not be a begging nation. We do not want to be a nation that continues to be a debt, a nation that is unable to defend its own people, "he said.


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