Responsibility for the 1998 Riots Turns Out to Be in the Incumbent Field

faktaid. Natalius Pigai, Former Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission said, the results of the investigation of the National Commission (National Commission on Human Rights) involved in cases of human rights violations when the riots in 1998 stated that Prabowo Subianto was not the perpetrator.

"The results of the investigation did not state firmly that Prabowo was the perpetrator. "Prabowo is a witness, not a perpetrator and also not a witness of the perpetrator," added Pigai at BPN Media Center Prabowo-Sandi, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday (1/16).

Then, Pigai revealed that Prabowo had not been proven to be related to humanity in 1998. The tragedy of the riots that occurred at that time. He said not everything was directed as a unit error in a force in the military.

"Because the riots in 1998 were not only localized to the task and authority of a single unit. "The riots of the event are national riots," added Pigai.

Connect, former Commissioner of the National Commission on Violence Against Human Rights, said that laws and regulations apply responsibility for resilience if it is at the beginning of the national defense leadership.

"Well, the national security and defense leadership is the Indonesian Armed Forces. That's Wiranto. "Commander responsibilities for the events of 1998 were Wiranto in accordance with international human rights law and national human rights law Law Number 26 of 2000," said Pigai.

Recently Wiranto has been named as the person responsible for cases of human rights violations. Recently the news has circulated about the arrest warrant from Wiranto from the United Nations concerning the 1998 case.

At present, Pigai also accuses the government of not wanting to investigate the case because the people in the incumbent government are currently people who commit violations. So, Prabowo is only a scapegoat in the case.


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